Digital and traditional artist specializing in character modeling, texturing, concept design and illustration.
Character artist on Gears of War 5, post launch content and DLC. High and low resolution modeling, texturing, shading and game ports of organic and hard-surface character and creature models.
High and low resolution models, textures and shader set up for game trailers and cinematics.
Madlands -- character, environment, prop modeling, texturing, concept art, lighting, leading features/ visual overhaul, pipeline and shader development, and various optimization strategies.
UFC3 - traditional character work. Head sculpts, textures, body proportions, hair, game ports and fixes.
Next Killshot title – player gear concept art, high/lo poly modeling, texturing and weighting. Game story thumbnails and final illustrations.
Worked on UFC2 and NHL17. On UFC2 I was responsible for fighter/referee head modeling, textures, hair set up and various fixes and polishes. On NHL17 I did outsourcer reviews and finaling for player heads and gear, 3d modeling/texturing of player heads, hair as well as various props.
Created concept art for key pre-pitch characters for a game project.
Provided re-modeling, re-texturing for the main characters of Dead Island: Riptide Cinematic. Created another character for an in-house project.
Briefly worked as a character/concept artist for an unreleased project for CDProject Red. Was responsible for character designs, high res sculpting and some pipeline/workflow outlines.
Created custom module content for Bioware’s Neverwinter Nights Digital Distribution program. Work varied from module to module and included character and creature models, textures, ambient 3d modeling and animation.
- Pirates of Sword Coast
- Infinite Dungeons
- Wyvern Crown of Cormyr
*DLA – online group based in Toronto, Canada, later became a subsidiary of roXidy Games Inc.